I bought this cassette tape at a thrift store for 50 cents a couple years ago. Bought it cuz it looked nuts, figured it was part of some 80s Wall Street-Art of War-ass trend.
It's actually pretty good.
While we're at it, this is good too. (It's only written by arguably "the greatest Samurai of all time.")
Listen to alot of spoken word, audio books, or talk radio while drawing sometimes. Kinda keeps that side of the brain occupied?
This is exceptional, but his always are (IMO - And I don't care what anyone says - he's fuckin' real, man. He's fuckin' real).
Currently working on this one.
planning to get The Art of Dreaming by Castaneda. Remembered it last night because i was reading the intro to Airtight Garage, and Moebius mentioned that the Nagual character's name comes from the Castaneda books.