2007 pt 1 - Urban Canvas Program and misc

hand drum, original design, rough, principles, many vs. few with conflict, mortal sins, deadly, english witches, sketch,  thank you card, envelope, community, bench, portrait, aaron, brendan behan, arrest photo, gilliam vs. la mancha, terry, glen, cherub, fire gremlin, demon, frog,

2006 - Rasputin meets Unicorn

Rasputin, lives, loves, Spider on Petal, joker card, cards, knife, whistle, crucifix, Teddies, sculpting, exercises, Gargoyle 1, gorgon/Medusa, hutt, Unicorn, bust

2005 - Rapture, Sweet Horrible Rapture

2004 pt 2 - Abnormal Behavior vol 01 issue 06 (with Jan Quackenbush)

Abnormal Behavior vol 01 issue 06 featuring: any tree, flowers, the BK Broiler!, Stephen Harper, the Secret Garden, ROCKTRON, Asshole, Nestor's favor, Bravado - chimp comedian extraordinaire, Stephie's friend's to-do list, "This party is fuckin' lame." Jimmy Marnoch fans of the world, limpdicks, a sad teddy bear, "do not let the criminally insane handle the meter sticks", for jimmy, punk rock self portrait, "You don't wear toga in 21st century!", shaping up, Disneyana, citizen Ivanov, gulag, mutation gone awry, turtle power, adamantium, scummy shits, Nathaniel Merriweather, "Gotta smoke?" pussy, geniuses, "Do not let your eyes fall out while making metre stick measurements", Little Winston, "See My Band", elitism, glorious orcs, brethren, Micheal Grade, space horror, bum terror, Lucky Boeuf, Paul Douchewitz, and more.

2004 - You Need Fingers

2003 - Rockettes, Stankettes, Junk rock

2002 - Make a Stinkment - wear a shirt

2001 - Cartoons Incorrect for all

1999-1998 - More old stuff from Highschool Pre-Calculus Classes - Warpigs and the Four Horsemen vs. Teachers vs. Zombie Children

Left unfinished at the time, I'd like to come back to these at some point, even if it's when I'm old and pruney. Even if it's just to show my friends, like it was back then.

So much nostalgia and good times drawing/looking at these.

My Sketchbook

I've created a blog at


to post sketchbook work, most recent things at the front, updating semi-regularly.

Quote of the Day

"Specialization is for insects." - Heinlein

1998-1989 - Apemen & Pirates vs. Drugs & Alcohol - School Daze

In reverse chroniclogical order, from grade 11 going back to grade 3.

Pinoy Comic Art

I stumbled across a couple websites dedicated to Filipino Komiks artists.


A couple I was fans of were Alfredo Alcala and Romeo Tanghal, who worked on good old 70's DC comics like House of Secrets, House of Mystery, Swamp Thing, and Weird War Tales.

There's an awesome collection of the late Alfredo Alcala's work at http://www.alanguilan.com/museum/alfredo.html
Romeo Tanghal Sr. has a collection of sketches blog on blogspot. It's awesome and good to see he's still making beautiful artwork.

I'm gonna be reading the "How to Start Out in the Biz" link now from the first link.

"North American Artists are lazy now." - I.K. - his birthday and going away party, 2004

Job Futures

So I'm looking at different industries/career paths to go into right now. This resource is supposed to be helpful. It's interesting. But I'm not sure what the information is based on. For instance, the Architectural and Constructive Technologies field shows $36,900 average annual earnings and 12% unemployment across Canada, whereas Fine Arts shows $23,500 average annual earnings and 9.0% unemployment. Civil Engineering $37,500 and 4.0%


Arts (Illustration or Animation)
Civil Engineering or Green Architecture
Motorcycle, Small Engine or Automotive Repair

are what I feel most interested in.
I'd like to take two things at the same time: something I know I'd be able to get work in; and something to see if an art-related career might be good. It's my feeling that bisecting the brain/efforts would not be too much of just one thing.
Seems almost feasible right now.


I Set Me Up an Etsy Shop

Buy Handmade

All funds go to the victims of entitilitis endowment for the arts, the irrantional ENDOWmint for the farts, and the ACE OF SPADES. BORN TO LOSE=LIVE TO WIN foundation (Eye sack Assmolotov Fund)